“Setup Fee is Waived With a 90 Day Commitment”

Case Studies
Below are examples of Facebook advertisements constructed by professional trainers who have collaborated with Evergreens Web. Potential clients can expect similar advertisements with varying results.
Example 1: Parallel Wine & Whiskey Bar
47,938 people reached
1,873 engagements
1,535 potential new leads
On a campaign budget of $5 per day

Example 2: Girly Bowtique
94,124 people reached
3,111 engagements
2,249 potential new leads
On a campaign budget of $5 per day

Social Media Marketing Strategies
We Mix and Match these to fit Your Business
Unique Posts
We will post 1-2 times on your Facebook page, on average, every week. These posts will be a combination of custom graphics, calls to action to visit the website and company-based news.
Content Promotion
Every piece of content submitted by client or unique content that we write for you will be promoted on social media. Not only will this increase the number of people who will read this content, but it will improve your SEO as well.
Interacting with Other Page
To help catch the eye of complementary, noncompeting businesses. This will lead to more sharing of company content and status updates and introduce people to the brand.
Creating Custom Images
Up to two custom graphics per week.
Customer Service
When people are unhappy or happy about a program or product, they’ll often head to social media to voice their opinions. We’ll respond to any feedback that’s received promptly and courteously. We’ll also answer any questions that potential users may have.
Studies have shown that daily updates on Google+ directly impact how well your site is ranked after 90 days. A percentage of these updates will link back to the company site directly, having an even greater impact on SEO.
Many people use Google+ just for the purpose of engaging in the communities on the social network, and we’ll be active in all the relevant ones. We’ll check out what already exists and create our own communities.
Adding Targeted Pages To Circles
Similar to Twitter lists, and effective in helping to regularly interact with the right people.
We’ll include appropriate hashtags in updates. People use hashtags to search for posts that they’re interested in, so we’ll make sure that we’re using the ones that are the most relevant and popular.
Original Pins
We’ll create original pins that will promote the company and engage people who love what it offers, but don’t know it yet. Infographics with writing tips, humorous memes, etc. are all great types of content that will get repined, and put the company in front of the right audience. An average of three per day is included.
Creating Boards
We’ll create an average of one new board a week, based on what your followers are interested in.
Interacting and pinning content from other sites that have a “Pin It” button next to them will help to build the relationships you need to bring the company to the next level. This will also ensure that you’re not being viewed by users as being overly self-promotional.
An average of two posts on the company’s LinkedIn page, which will reach those following it. All blog posts, articles and press mentions will be promoted via the page.
Following other LinkedIn pages, focusing on thought leaders and companies that are related to your brand, but are not your competitors. We’ll share their content periodically when it is the type of content that speaks to your audience.
LinkedIn Group Involvement
Joining in and engaging with members of LinkedIn groups. This will increase engagement from those not already following the company page and drive traffic back to the website. We will join 5-7 group discussions a week. This includes promoting content from the site when appropriate.
LinkedIn Group Management
Post once a week in each at least and jump into the discussions others are having when appropriate.
Ad management
You provide the budget and we manage the targeting, monitoring and reporting. This will allow your posts to reach individuals and businesses who aren’t already familiar with your brand, who fit into your target audience and will convert into leads.
Daily Tweets
An average of 1-2 tweets a day. Approximately 20-30% of the content will be self-promotional, the rest of the focus will be on providing value to the community and interacting with the company’s target audience.
Hashtag Creation and Management
We’ll keep a close eye on trending topics, and when appropriate, jump in on the conversation using the appropriate hashtag. This will help increase visibility of the company, as well as lead to more followers and interaction.
Interacting for PR Purposes
One of the most effective uses of Twitter is as a PR tool. Journalists are active on Twitter, and regularly use it to find sources to quote in their articles. We’ll create lists of journalists, bloggers and industry influencers to target on Twitter, build relationships and introduce them to the company. This is one of the fastest ways Twitter can deliver ROI.
Content Promotion
We’ll continually share company content, which will help drive traffic to the site and raise awareness of the brand. This also sends signals to the search engines that your content is worth sharing, which can help improve the site’s SEO.
Customer Service
We’ll monitor for people tweeting about the company, even if they don’t @them directly. If they have something awesome to say, we’ll make sure to retweet, favorite and let everyone know. If they have something negative to say, we’ll let you know immediately and respond to them promptly and courteously. And if they have questions, we’ll answer them right away.
Twitter Chats
We’ll participate in one Twitter chat per month on behalf of your brand. If no Twitter chats exist, we can create and manage our own.